Immortality and Rebirth/Reincarnation

18 May 2019 On this very auspicious Vesak Day the subject of Immortality and Rebirth/Reincarnation turns up. Nisargadatta: The memory of the past unfulfilled desires traps energy, which manifests itself as a person. When its charge gets exhausted, the person dies. Unfulfilled desires are carried over into the next birth. Self-identification with the body creates…

The Dao, spoken, spoils it?

An unexpected conversation started/continue from this post: A B Ok so beyond boundless consciousness is no consciousness Mauna Sam Lau Thanks for saying it but also too bad that it is said … M D Mauna Sam Lau why is it ‘too bad’ that it (or any thing) is said? Aren’t you dreaming you’re a dreamer dreaming you’re…

“ … When even ‘I am’ goes, reality alone is …”

Came across this before but this time around the impact is even deeper … King Janaka once dreamt that he was a beggar. On waking up he asked his Guru — Vasishta: Am I a king dreaming of being a beggar, or a beggar dreaming of being a king? The Guru answered: You are neither, you…

That principle is even before witnessing begins …

#46. The Witnessing principle ever prevails ~ Nisargadatta – I am the unborn 31st January 1980 Maharaj: Just try to be in that ‘I amness’ don’t try to put effort and concentration. Visitor: Just be, or just be in ‘I amness’? Nisargadatta:  When ‘you are’ it is ‘I amness’, when ‘you are’ the beingness is…

Living from within a simulation of duality

1st Jan 2019 Living from within a simulation of duality The simulation of duality is being appreciated from within itself where on the one hand or face of the coin of duality is the witnessed and the other face is the witnessing. The witnessed can include the signals of thinking that inspires the BodyMind into action….

So the joke is on the joker

29th Dec 2018 Desires control the elements compelling them to activate accordingly. This means the player is controlled by the desires at a surface level of playing. But at a more matured level of playing, the player can see through the fallacy of desiring thereby the possibility of completely negating the effects thus the potency of the…

Is it possible to laugh at beingness?

Is it possible to laugh at beingness? That irressitable love to be which is possible for the expression of stillness into sat-chit-ananda and nama-rupa? What Nisargadatta say is the root-maya, the root-cause of problems? Yet 道法自然 meaning it’s part of the nature of the authentic being to be originally unmanifest but likes to manifest – 应无所住而生其心。无中生有。独立不改却周行不殆。本自清静却能生万物。 On…

Even this birth is false.

1 May 2019 FB postings “The flow of what is, is not disturbed by the personal idea that things should be another way.” ~Jac O’Keeffe KJ … and so ‘what is’ is also a flow … “There is no one to give, no one to receive—just movements taking place in form.Settle in the freedom of understanding that…